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How to create a new survey?
How to create a new survey?

Create a survey and add participants to the survey

Updated over a week ago

  • To create a survey, you need to select the customer you want to create the survey for.

  • Once you are inside the selected customer click on Surveys tab.

  • Inside the Surveys tab, you will see the list of the surveys created for the selected customer.

  • To create a new survey click on CREATE NEW SURVEY button.

  • Fill in the survey details with all the mandatory information.

  • You can select the Survey owners only from the users list you have created.

  • While selecting the Survey owners, we recommend you to give access to Culturengine PortalAdmin. This will allow us to assist you in case you need any help from us.

  • In the language selection box, select the base language and second language that will be used in the survey

  • Select the Survey start date and Survey end date.

  • Activate the survey by selecting ACTIVE from survey status drop-down list.

  • Once you fill in the details click on NEXT button.

In the next step, you can edit default survey templates and email templates in multiple languages.

  • Survey Templates: The message shown in the welcome screen after participants click on the survey link sent in the email invitation. You can add a short survey description, Welcome message (displayed after opening the survey link) and End Message (Displayed after the completion of the survey).

  • Email Templates: Invitation/reminder text that will be sent as an email to participants. You can add invitation text, reminder text, confirmation text and Final reminder text in the email templates.

Participants will receive the messages in the language you have selected for them while adding the participants to the survey.

Survey Templates:

  • To switch between different languages click on NEXT/PREVIOUS button a the bottom left corner.

  • To switch between the Survey Template and Email Templates, click on the tab.

Email Templates:

  • Once you fill in the Survey Templates and Email Templates, click on SAVE TEMPLATES button.

  • Click on NEXT button to move to the next section i.e. "Select Participants". You can skip this process and add the participants after creating the survey.

If you want to add the participants while creating the survey:

You will get three different options to add participants into your survey.

METHOD 1: Selecting participants from the list

If you have already added the participants while creating the CUSTOMER:

  • You will see the participants list.

  • Select those that you want to add to the survey.

  • Click on ADD PARTICIPANTS button and select Add selected (or Add all if you want to all the participants from the list).

METHOD 2: Add new participants manually

  • If you want to add single participant at a time you can do so by clicking the tab Add new participant. Filling in the participants details and click on ADD TO PARTICIPANT LIST button.

METHOD 3: Add participants in bulk using import function

  • Click on Import participants tab

  • Download the excel template by clicking DOWNLOAD button next to Download template option. See the instruction on how to fill the import excel file.

  • Once you fill in the excel sheet with participants details, save it in your PC

  • Click on Choose excel to upload button and select the saved excel sheet from your PC.

  • After selecting the uploading the import excel file, you will see the success message in green color. If error message is shown, please re-check the excel sheet and make sure that it follows the template guideline.

  • After uploading the excel file, click on ADD PARTICIPANTS button to add the participants imported from the excel file to the survey.

  • After adding the participants, click on CREATE SURVEY button.

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