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Roles and permissions

Understand different roles and what they allow members to do in the Culture Intelligence platform

Updated over a week ago

In Culture Intelligence, access levels are granted by a set of roles. Below is a list of these roles and the operations each role is allowed to do, from lowest privilege to highest privilege:

1. Survey Viewer

Survey Viewers can:

  • View their organizations

  • View attributes, culture codes and brand values

  • View Culture Analytics

    • Only aggregates of more than four members can be viewed

    • Only surveys where the member is Survey Owner can be viewed

Viewers have the lowest privilege and can be safely assigned to any member in your organization.

2. Survey Assistant

Survey Assistants can:

  • Manage participants in surveys

  • Manage email text and survey templates

Assistants are assigned to members that will only assist in managing survey participation. More commonly, Survey Creators are assigned to manage all aspects of surveys.

3. Survey Creator

Survey Creators can do everything the Viewer and Assistant can. In addition, they can:

  • Manage participants

  • View attributes

  • Manage culture codes and brand values

  • Manage surveys

    • Only surveys where the member is Survey Owner can be managed

  • Manage Culture Analytics Participant/Reporting

    • Viewing individual reports is not allowed

    • Sending individual reports to members is allowed

  • View Culture Analytics

    • Only aggregates of five or more members can be viewed

    • Only surveys where the member is Survey Owner can be viewed

Creators are commonly assigned to a selected group of members that are responsible for managing culture data in Culture Intelligence.

4. Administrator

Administrators can do everything the Creator can. In addition, they can:

  • Manage members and their roles

  • Manage attributes

  • View Culture Analytics

    • Viewing individual data is allowed

    • Only surveys where the member is Survey Owner can be viewed

  • Manage Culture Analytics Participant/Reporting

    • Viewing individual reports is allowed

Administrators have the highest privilege and should therefore only be assigned to a few key members responsible for the organization.

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