Before inviting the members, it is important to know that the invited members will have access to the organization as a survey viewer. This mean they can only see the aggregated visualized data. Personal information of the survey participants such as Name and email address are also not visible to them.
Let's start !
When you are inside your organization:
Click on the drop down arrow next to your organization name.
Click on Members
Enter the email addresses. To invite multiple members, separate email address by hitting ENTER.
Click on REVIEW button.
Click on INVITE MEMBERS button.
Click on DONE
Once the invitations are sent:
For the admin who has invited the member(s)
You will be able to see the list of invited members under pending invitations before they accept to join the organization.
Once the invitations are accepted, you will see the list of members who accepted the invitation.
For the member(s) who received the invitation
If the invited member is new, he/she will get an email to activate the account. Once the First Name, Last Name and password are set, the invited member is ready to use the platform.
If the invited member is already a register member of the other organization in the platform, he/she will get an email to join the organization he/she was invited from. The invited members will have access to the organization after clicking on ACCEPT INVITATION button.
Member roles and permissions
Members can have their access changed after they accept their invitation. Read further on how to change member access.