1. Demographics of the participants
2. Top 10 Values Priorities of your team
Tips: All the values label are clickable in the solution and the report sent to the participants. By clicking on the label, you can find the definition of the values and the tips on how you can improve your score in the value.
3. Top 10 values comparison with the norm group
*Norm Group consists of data from Culture Intelligence platform which includes 6000 individuals from different industries within both public and private sector in the Nordic.
4. Mindset comparison with the norm group
Here you can think about how you want to highlight the desired mindset against the strategy in the organization. Think about:
What are we going to have more of?
Are there any improvements that we need to address?
*Norm Group consists of data from Culture Intelligence platform which includes 6000 individuals from different industries within both public and private sector in the Nordic.
5. Culture alignment* - Who are we together?
Here you can compare the culture indicator from your mini-report with the team.
Think about how you are complementary to the others in their roles etc.
*Consists of 40 typical values within a culture type. The definition of a culture type is taken from the published literature.
Summarizing Your Actual Culture
Think about:
How do we now define our culture?
What new insights should be used?
What values are surprising?
What values do we want to keep?
Should we improve any value in the next 3-6 months?
How are we going to work with that?
Is the cultural focus rooted in top management? - an important success factor
Plan integration in everyday life:
What discussions should we have with whom?
How do we best integrate it into everyday life (1-on-1 conversations, employee conversations, management meetings, department meetings, larger meetings, etc.). Can the work be integrated into ongoing and continuous processes?
Make sure there is enough time and priority to work on the new values. Should be integrated into the everyday lives of employees and managers to bring about lasting changes
For continuous inspiration and discussion
Use the insights against the business strategy
What strong drivers and values / behaviors do we have in our existing culture that we want to build on and become even stronger?
If we improve the strong values, what can we achieve at a strategic level?
During the strategy period, think about what it 'orders' from the corporate culture
What are the critical factors and goals in the strategy? What is the optimal culture to reach them? What is success for us?
What new values should / must be prioritized in the short, and long term, in order to achieve strategic goals? Which values should be reinforced and which should be improved?
Where do the strategy and values (which are now linked together) take us into the future?
To implement and integrate a new / changed culture, you must define:
How should we work with the new values / culture in our everyday lives? What measures, communication and action plans?
Is culture part of leadership development?
How should we hold each other accountable in this development?
When are we going to have status meetings to see the progression?
When are we going to take a 'foot-in-the-ground' again to see the 'before-after' results?